
Senior Staff

Dr. Mario Galgani
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Main scientific interest of Dr. Galgani is focused on the comprehension of the biological and molecular mechanisms regulating the immune system in autoimmune diseases, cancer and auto-inflammatory conditions. In particular, his main interest concerns the study of the pathogenic mechanisms leading to the alteration of immune tolerance during autoimmune diseases, such as Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). Dr. Galgani aims at studying the functional characteristics T cells involved in the control of immune tolerance.  Specifically, the research is focused on the study of the role of metabolic programs (glycolysis and FAO) in the control of regulatory cell function. In addition, the research area of Dr. Galgani is also focused on the comprehension of pathogenic mechanisms at the basis of T1D, and, in particular, on the identification of novel biomarkers reflecting diabetes onset and progression.

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Dr. Claudio Procaccini
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The main objective of Dr. Procaccini’s research is the understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which the mTOR pathway (mammalian target of rapamycin)-sensor of the nutritional/energetic status- may affect the functionality of different lymphocyte subsets, such as CD4+ T cells and regulatory T cells (Treg), that control immunological tolerance, both  in vitro and in vivo in animal models of autoimmune diseases. More recently the interests of Dr. Procaccini have been directed to the understanding of the role of the central nervous system (especially of specific hypothalamic neurons such as AgRP) and other molecules (such as Prep1 and the kinase Pyk) working at the interface between metabolism and immune system, in the modulation of immune responses in physiological conditions and during inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.

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